Saturday, October 28, 2017


                                                    MLM MARKETING MASTER

MLM is so awesome. It's the only form of business that offers a level playing field. You can not know anything about MLM and you can be successful in the business. I remember a story someone told in our business about how her sister asked her to join the businesses. She said no for 3 months. After the 3rd month she joined the business. 3 years into the business she became a 6 figure earner. She said she was glad that her sister kept on asking. 

So many people have already blazed the trail of success. They have already been through the process. All you will have to do is duplicate what they have done. 

3 Tips 

1. Be Teachable- Be willing to listen to someone that has been successful. Do everything that they tell you to do. Listen to your up line leaders. Listen to people that has the answer to your problem. Be teachable and duplicate your coach success. 

2. Work Hard- MLM is not a get rich quick scheme,the only way people get rich is through hard work. Everything takes time. I remember talking to someone in the business, she told me do not treat your business like a hobby. It is not a hobby it is a business. Treat it like a business. People that are top earners work at their business everyday. In the beginning make sure you spend most of your time prospecting, presenting the opportunity, following up with people, and always signing up new people. Always signing up new people. Never stop signing up new people. 

3. Be A Friend And Make A Friend- People must not think about money, but think about making friends. You should make 2 new friends a day. At a job sometimes it is just about the one person. But in network marketing you only become successful when you teach other people how to be successful. The more friends you make and serve, the greater will your success be in network marketing. 

Don't just learn the knowledge, but apply the knowledge. Why read all day and never apply what you have learned.When you began to do what you suppose to your business and your income will go to the top.  

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017



Finding the right books isn't always easy, of course, and some are better than others. Knowledge is power, and the more that you learn the better off you will be at your business. When you admit to yourself that you don't know it all and that you never will know it all. That will cause you to be able to accept the input of others and start learning new approaches, ideas and new skills. The more you know the more successful you will become. Learn as much as you can about your business, network marketing, and anything else that is directly related to your purpose. Network marketing books are so amazing because you can fit a chapter in a day no matter if your are out of town, in the tub, working out.

We've put together a list of 5 books that can change your way that you approach network marketing. We put them here for you they are not in any particular order. 


This book will give you the blueprint for making your dreams a reality. The book is designed to help you to use your free time more effectively, managing your time and turning your monthly income into something you can be really proud of. For anyone that want to take your network marketing business higher. You can check it out right here: 


With the right efforts and the right steps on your side, you can reach your goals.This book explains a simple six step plan that will help you to move closer to a six figure income.
You can get it here


Everything you need is here, you might just be getting started in your network marketing journey. It will help you to find prospects, guide your team and promote events. It's a 5 star book you can not ignore


Mary Kay is the most successful female entrepreneur. A woman that only have 5,000 dollars to start her business from her savings account, while supporting 3 kids as a single mother. If you want to get tips on how to build your business, achieve your goals and move towards success, this book is for you 


The first year of network marketing brings challenges and frustrations. A huge majority of people will give up in network marketing. That first year is a great test of your determination. You will find great tips in this book on how to remain confident, support your team, deal with rejection and present your products. If you are new to network marketing it is vital that 
you read this book

The more knowledge you have about the field of network marketing the better off you will be. If you are a person that really want to succeed, you owe it to yourself to read as much as you can and immerse yourself in knowledge. Knowledge is calling you today. What you don't know can hurt you, want you do know will empower you. It is time for you to be empowered.

Connect With Stewart

Sunday, October 22, 2017


                                        4 WAYS TO BUILD SELF CONFIDENCE

Self confidence is the difference between being scared and unstoppable. How ever you think about yourself is how other people will think about you. If you are looking to be successful in life. You must have self confidence. You must believe in yourself. You can do it. 

4 Ways That You Can Build Self Confidence

Walk With Confidence 

Most people that have confidence walk quickly. Walking faster will make you feel awesome, you will have more energy. Why? Because you have places to be and people to see. 

Watch Who Is In Your Circle 

You will become like the 5 people that are in your circle. They can boost your confidence are they can steal your confidence. Some people are leaches. They just want to suck the blood out of you. Surround yourself around people that make you want to be better and do better in your life. Their is nothing like hanging around people that will uplift you. People that are always positive. 

One Thing My Wife Loves To Do Work Out

When you look good you feel good. When you don't look good your self confidence began to be low. You feel like you are worthless. Working out will cause you to feel secure, energetic and feel very attractive. You personal appearance means a whole lot. Go for a walk 10 minute everyday. 

Mental Self Image 

Keep a mental picture of yourself being a winner. Being an amazing person, being a bigger person than you are. Think good thoughts about yourself. Focus on your strengths not your weakness. See yourself on top not on the bottom. See yourself becoming what you want to be. Live there right now, feel yourself there, touch the place, look in the mirror you are becoming the person that you want to be. 

Click here now

Connect With Stewart

Saturday, October 21, 2017



You may ask what is a Facebook Challenge? Well how it works. You get a group of highly-targeted prospects for business together, get them all into a private Facebook group. 

Challenge the group to do something everyday that they don't know how to do. Something to take them closer to there goal in whatever your challenge hangs around. It is like when you have a best friend that keep you accountable towards your goals. We all need someone to keep us on track. 

In a private environment you will be able to build a bond, because you are giving your audience what they want. They will began to trust you because you are helping them to reach their goals. You will have a group of Facebook prospects that Love you. 

Don't Live In Fear

Your Facebook Challenges will cause people to step into the I can do it attitude. You will be providing value, building relationships, and stepping into a role of leadership. Challenges also provides the people in your group with community. You'll quickly see what your prospects want, need fear and don't like. 

3 Easy Steps 

1. Identify Your Target Market
2. Structure Your Facebook Challenge
 3. Promote Your Facebook Challenge And AD A Bonus

Connect With Stewart

Monday, October 16, 2017



If you are a Network Marketer who has struggled with you business. And you have not been able to have profitable results, this post is for you. You must realize the same principles that apply to offline marketing must be used online as well. Online marketing allows you to create much more leverage.These 3 personal branding tips for network marketers will help you to start to attract highly
qualified prospects. Personal branding causes your inbox to be full of people.

Just Be Yourself

Create a blog that brands you and make sure that all your social media accounts use your name and image. Make sure that you are smiling. People love when you smile on your profile. One thing I don't like is when people have their company logo or products on their profile. And other people do not like that either. People do not like being sold to especially without their permission. 

Create Content and Share Vaule

You may not believe people are watching you. But they are watching you in your business. They may not like or engage on every post or video, but they are watching. Keep showing up in your business, the more you share the more people will began to take you serious, also they will want to learn more about what you are doing. Anytime you learn something new. Share your experience through a photo, blog, or video. If you found something valuable there are plenty more people who will find that valuable as well. 

Become An Expert In Your Field

People choose to gravitate towards people that know what they are doing, and know where they are going. Share your story, experiences and your knowledge. What ever field you are in share tips,stories and pictures. Share the newest marketing strategies. Learn and share. And learn and share.

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Saturday, October 14, 2017



Let's think about the word master- it means a skilled practitioner of a particular art are activity. It will take time to become a master copywriter. But if you start today. Your tomorrow will get easier. 

Learning Will Cause Success 

We must master being a learner of writing education, that should be our foundation. When you do purchase a book make sure that you take time to study the book. Learn from the top leaders. Head over to amazon and get this powerful book written by Joseph Sugarman The Adweek Copywriting Hand book. We love to read books so we can tell people we read a certain type of book. But one thing we need to do is reread the book so we can get the understanding we need. Learn as much as you can. 

Get A One On One Training Coach

The person you choose to get to coach you has been where you are trying to go. I had an amazing person to train me and help me to reach some of my goals in my online business. He gave me immediate feedback on what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. 

Stop Saying That You Can't Do It

The biggest roadblocks we have are the ones that tell us what we are not. Those thoughts that tell us that we can not master anything because of past failures. I know how you feel I have been there. It's time to expand your mind and come up with strategies that could be used to change your negative habits for positive habits. Practice saying positive things about yourself.  Put positive notes all around your room. So when you wake up you have nothing but positive things before you. Start telling yourself that you can do it. And you are a Master Copywriter. 

Understand How People Think 

Understanding how a person thinks is very essential in persuading people. Persuading people is a very huge part of copy-writing. Start studying people. Get to know people, talk about what interest them. Focus on these 4 needs to get your mind focused on beginning to take steps toward mastering copying writing. 

4 Needs

1. Basic Needs
2. Need to feel Safe
3. Need to be Social 
4. Self Esteem Needs 

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Thursday, October 12, 2017


                                    Building A Nonprofit Organization 

Starting a Nonprofit organization can definitely be an inspiring way to give back to your community and help those in need. 

Is A Nonprofit Right For You 

Many nonprofits just starting off aren't ready or eligible to get grants. So it's going to take some determination on your part for growing and sustaining a nonprofit.

There Are Around 1.6 Million Registered Nonprofits In The U.S 

There are a couple of ways they are funded

1. Fundraising
     2. Private Donors
               3. Government Funding
 4.Paid Services

Set Up Automatic Donations

When you ask your donors for a small, automatic donation through their debit or credit card every month is a way to create predictable cash flow for your organization.

2 Ways To Setup Donations

1. On your website
                                      2. Solicit donations through mail or email

Partner with other nonprofits so you can get ideas and also fundraising strategies. To create a self- sustaining nonprofit, it really must be treated like any other for-profit business. 

Ask yourself questions?

1. How does it affect all parties
    2. How can you create a machine without your involvement
3.Where is the value

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017


                                        MLM PROSPECTING TIPS

What Does Prospecting Mean?

Talking to people sharing your product or business. You want to invite people to learn more about your business through the telephone, and social media. Make sure to get them on the telephone. Even if they message you on social media. You want to eventually get them on the telephone so you can get to know them. And for you to seal the deal. 

MLM Prospecting Mind Power Success

No one likes to be sold anything. But when they find something they want, they love to buy stuff. Instead of just putting your product out there. In MLM prospecting your mind is powered for success. Because you began to think like a fisherman. You search for people that have a sincere interest in what you have to offer, before you even present it. If you are a fisherman and your desire is to catch Salmon fish. You are going to put the right worm on the hook and catch the salmon. 


We need to engage. We must make sure that we establish a relationship with the person first. People use to make 100-200 phone calls a day. Now times have changed. There are more options out here. You have to have passion for what you do. Passion will attract people to you like nothing else will. 

Open People Minds

Mind power causes you to open up people minds to what they can be. Not what they are today. When you are talking to the person, what you will do is have them to focus on there own dream. After they focus on there own dream, then you will show them how to open up that dream with your business in there lives. Ask them what they want in life. Show them the gateway to their dreams is with your network marketing company. So many people may have told them what they can't do. Tell them what the can do. 

Build Your Prospect Confidence 

Reassure your prospects that they do have the skills that are necessary for success. They do have the talent and the ability to succeed in life. And they will succeed in life if they work with you, work hard, and learn the success training of your mlm. Make sure you let your prospect know that you will be there for them. They may have already had people disappear on them. Reassure them that you will not disappear. Be sincere and make sure you have enough integrity to keep your word. 

Focus On The Other Person 

When you understand that people love to talk about themselves. The prospect does not care about you are your business. They think and care about themselves. Make sure that your conversation is around them. Focus on there goals. What they want. Let them know how your product  or business opportunity will benefit them. 

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When it comes to funding, there is not a one size fits all approach. There are three things you need to look at. 

1. What type of funding you need     
2.What kind of business do you have
3. The amount of money you need     

Here is a list

1. 401( K)- A 401 (k) is a retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer. Create a C Corporation, Create a 401 ( k) plan that is tied to the C Corporation, Roll over the retirement funds into the new 401 (k) plan, use the money to buy shares in the business. 

2. Microloans- What is a micro lending business? Microloans are small loans that are issued by individuals rather than banks are credit unions. Microloans can be used for working capital, inventory, supplies,and equipment.

3. Friends and Family- You can ask your family and friends and see will they invest some money in your business and you will pay them back after the business start bringing in revenue. 

4. Personal savings- Be careful not to get caught up in the legends that used there saving to fund there business. Using your personal savings is apart of the Entrepreneurial process.

5. Equity Investors-Who are equity investors? They are individuals that buy and holding of stocks and stock on the stock market. Most investors will provide capital for you, but they will take ownership of your company. 

6. Business Credit- You have to make sure you have a Duns number for some. Some will use you EIN ( Employer Identification Number) number and not pull your personal credit. Some company you should look into are Bank of America, Auto-zone, Office Depot, Best buy, Fleet Card. 

If you are stuck for ideas, or need money quickly, turn to your connections. Think of joining industry specific groups. Go to meetings like Check out your local Small Business Administration, grants from the Federal Government, U.S Department of Agriculture.

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Sunday, October 8, 2017


  How to cope with the ups and downs of a startup business

Entrepreneurship is a roller-coaster. From a distance you see the ride and get excited.

You think about when you invest your life savings into a idea on a napkin. It can be very scary. The people that work 9am-5pm can seem the sane way to go. When you get on a roller-coaster there is an upward slope. Remember you just did not look at the ride, you was brave enough to hop on it. Well don't stop until you get the reward.

If you're an entrepreneur on the journey of a startup business I have 3 tips for you

Know Your Why

Define the true why of your work and keep it in the front of you and your team at all times. Remind yourself daily of your why. Post it on your wall in your room. Don't keep checking Facebook. Your friends and family members will be posting exciting things that they are doing. You will wonder, why you are working on your business, instead of having fun. Don't stop until you get your reward. You will get to do exciting things later. 

Surround Yourself With Entrepreneurs

Find a group like the Entrepreneurs organization and dig in. Like minded people may have ideas and input that could make your slope on the roller-coaster shorter. Talk about what you are going through. By talking to someone that is flying high in there field, it will give you confidence to soar.


When you reach goals, celebrate. You may look in the mirror and say I'm the only one hear at my party. Well at least you have a party. Some people don't have anything to celebrate. You only reach heights in life when you celebrate small victories. 

Entrepreneurship is not easy, if it was easy everybody. Folks grandmother and great-grandmother would jump on. 

Remember, the slope separates success from wannabe success!

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             Some of the best ways network marketers generate leads


                Network marketers make things complicated

I'm not going to act like it is easy. It is a journey at times. You may feel like you are on a journey right now. I know the feeling. 

                                    Focusing On The Wrong Fish 

If a person is having a learning how to flip homes seminar. Someone that is interested in building car engines would not be interested. There is something called Attraction Marketing. In attraction marketing be authentic and endorse only what you, yourself have experienced. Believe in your products or services. Make each piece of communication attract with your audience. Have them to feel and understand what you are saying. 

One Thing That I Will "Stress" Make Sure You Use Magnetic Words

                                     Market On Purpose

You have to have in your mind that you want to attract a particular type of person.  Your marketing should be designed in the way you are looking to Market. 

Ask yourself some questions?

  • What do you want to achieve
  • What problems do they have
  • What are they trying to get rid of 
  • What have they been complaining about
                                      Family and Friends are excited! That's a not yet

Your family and friends will criticize,do not make a list of friends and family and go contacting them. They will come after they see that you have achieve some success. I know your up line told you that, that was your warm market. No it is really your cold market until you achieve some success. 

                                                          Social Media 

Use social media to add value to people lives. Adding value means. Giving encouraging words, making Facebook live videos on topics like 2 ways to stay determined. Do not blast your business. No one likes to be sold to on social media. People want to be educated. Let's say that your business is weight loss you can use Instagram to say how people can make some amazing shakes. You can also make some youtube videos showing people how to use the products and the benefits of the products. 

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Turn Your Covid-19 Solution into a Viable Business

                                                                 Turn Your Covid-19 Solution into a Viable Business Entrepreneurs...