MLM is so awesome. It's the only form of business that offers a level playing field. You can not know anything about MLM and you can be successful in the business. I remember a story someone told in our business about how her sister asked her to join the businesses. She said no for 3 months. After the 3rd month she joined the business. 3 years into the business she became a 6 figure earner. She said she was glad that her sister kept on asking.
So many people have already blazed the trail of success. They have already been through the process. All you will have to do is duplicate what they have done.
3 Tips
1. Be Teachable- Be willing to listen to someone that has been successful. Do everything that they tell you to do. Listen to your up line leaders. Listen to people that has the answer to your problem. Be teachable and duplicate your coach success.
2. Work Hard- MLM is not a get rich quick scheme,the only way people get rich is through hard work. Everything takes time. I remember talking to someone in the business, she told me do not treat your business like a hobby. It is not a hobby it is a business. Treat it like a business. People that are top earners work at their business everyday. In the beginning make sure you spend most of your time prospecting, presenting the opportunity, following up with people, and always signing up new people. Always signing up new people. Never stop signing up new people.
3. Be A Friend And Make A Friend- People must not think about money, but think about making friends. You should make 2 new friends a day. At a job sometimes it is just about the one person. But in network marketing you only become successful when you teach other people how to be successful. The more friends you make and serve, the greater will your success be in network marketing.
Don't just learn the knowledge, but apply the knowledge. Why read all day and never apply what you have learned.When you began to do what you suppose to your business and your income will go to the top.
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