One thing I learned. When you are offline and you promote something. You can pass out all the flyers in the world. But word of mouth travels faster than anything. When you have a Facebook presence online, you have the greatest access to word of mouth advertising.
When doing social media. You must stick to the rules of social marketing. There are rules in everything in life. When you were in school. You had to stand in line. If you got out of line you would have to go to the end of the line. Network Marketers that stick to social media rules, build a very successful business.
What Does Your Profile Picture Say
Your profile picture should be a picture of yourself that shows your face. Make sure that your picture if professional. You want to have a professional look. If you are on there to just connect with family or friends than a regular picture will do. But if you are trying to connect with professionals than it is great to put a picture up that let's people know that you are a person that has a friendly smile and you look like a trustworthy person.
Common sense is not common practice
Don't post things that will lesson your authority in the field that your are representing. Think about why you are using Facebook. What do you want people to receive you as? One thing I had to learn is people are watching even if I did not realize they were watching. Use common sense when you are posting. We may think everyone understands common sense. They may not. So you need to understand it.
When You Post A Status Update 2 Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself
1. Is there some helpful information that will add value in this post
2. Is this something I would want to read or see
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